<em>Son of Rene</em> by Pacific Yew

Son of Rene by Pacific Yew

Where exactly did these frequencies originate? Oakland? LA, alongside the I-10? Fort Worth, Texas? Or maybe Alexandra, Louisiana? It's not […]
<em>Through Time</em> by MC Pauze

Through Time by MC Pauze

Like MC Pauze, I left my heart in New York. As someone who just returned from America's city of cities, […]
<em>Vision Board</em> by Lyrics Born

Vision Board by Lyrics Born

Tokyo-born Oakland rapper Lyrics Born’s new album Vision Board is a trip. Like you brewed up some mushroom tea (now […]
<em>Healthy Gas</em> by Stunnaman02

Healthy Gas by Stunnaman02

“Healthy Gas. A true ode to the hustlers. A project positively purposed to push the passion of people who pursue […]
<em>Bryce Savoy III</em> by Bryce Savoy

Bryce Savoy III by Bryce Savoy

For a brand new hip hop diamond, check out Bryce Savoy III. Though he now resides in Los Angeles, Bryce […]