<em>No Guitar (Deluxe Edition)</em> by Curling

No Guitar (Deluxe Edition) by Curling

"Our jubilant celebration of death, birth, unemployment, sex and love, anxiety and depression, loneliness, and canine companionship." After 12 years […]
<em>Divinity Reset</em> by Uriel

Divinity Reset by Uriel

Newborn. Reset. Purified. Shimmering, noisy, psychedelic, and alive, Divinity Reset is a brief but whole new synth symphony by Uriel […]
<em>Mac Cornish</em> by Mac Cornish

Mac Cornish by Mac Cornish

It’s a big week for Mac Cornish. Five days ago, they graduated Summa Cum Laude from USF with a degree […]