<em>Checkpoint</em> by Shy’an G

Checkpoint by Shy’an G

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll figure it out from here.” Oakland MC, producer, and poet Shy’an G released Checkpoint, a […]
<em>Parallel</em> by Parallel

Parallel by Parallel

“Writing these songs was one of the things that helped me stay grounded in such strange times.” Oakland four-piece Parallel […]
<em>Space Blanket</em> by Electric Vibe

Space Blanket by Electric Vibe

Even a 1,000-pound cow could feel weightless in the tractor beam of these spaced out garage rockers. Space Blanket is […]
<em>Bus Stop Nights</em> by neutrals

Bus Stop Nights by neutrals

Has anyone figured out how, grammatically speaking, to combine pop and post-punk? Is it pop post-punk? Post-pop punk sounds like […]
<em>Societal Eye</em> by Orogen

Societal Eye by Orogen

“Labyrinthine atmospheres of volatile collision and clandestine resonance.” Societal Eye is a new full-length album by Orogen (Lucas Patzek), who […]
<em>Sepulchre</em> by Richard Haig

Sepulchre by Richard Haig

“Existing in the nether region between a song and a track is where I naturally come to rest. I love […]
<em>Fair Shakes</em> by Sob Stories

Fair Shakes by Sob Stories

“Frontman Joel Cusumano plays the role of the tongue-in-cheek/ heart-on-the-sleeve troubadour as he weaves through a dozen broken hearted love […]