<em>Rattle</em> by Darama and Kush Arora

Rattle by Darama and Kush Arora

On the three-track EP Rattle, Berkeley’s Kush Arora (aka Only Now) once again offers up his characteristically exhilarating industrial dancehall, […]
<em>Swan Lake</em> by Cindy

Swan Lake by Cindy

“People have told me that they can’t quite identify my influences. Me neither. The foundational layers of music of the […]
<em>FR041</em> by Soulox & Soeneido

FR041 by Soulox & Soeneido

"Needed to see the light of day." Nearly a year after FR023, Oakland and Sacramento junglists Soeneido and Soulox reprise […]
<em>Shed</em> by King Isis

Shed by King Isis

Alternative rock's don't-care ethos and R&B's nothing-without-intentionality come together harmoniously on Shed, the latest from queer Black Oaklander King Isis. […]
<em>Better Together (Remixes)</em> by Baalti

Better Together (Remixes) by Baalti

Mixing up musical masala from Bombay to the Bay, Baalti released five-track EP Better Together in June, crossing Bollywood and […]
<em>FR023</em> by Soulox & Soeneido

FR023 by Soulox & Soeneido

One of the latest entrants for Future Retro London—Tim Reaper's consistently high-quality label and "jungle testing grounds"—FR023 brings the California […]
“Lonely Back in O” by Jayda G

“Lonely Back in O” by Jayda G

Anyone familiar with Jayda G’s Oakland connections? Though the artist hails from the small Canadian town of Grand Forks, British […]
<em>Lagniappe Session</em> by Healing Potpourri

Lagniappe Session by Healing Potpourri

Lagniappe (la ·gniappe) noun ‘lan-ˌyap,’1. An extra or unexpected gift or benefit. 2. Something given or obtained as a gratuity or […]
<em>Bus Stop Nights</em> by neutrals

Bus Stop Nights by neutrals

Has anyone figured out how, grammatically speaking, to combine pop and post-punk? Is it pop post-punk? Post-pop punk sounds like […]