Sun Glories by Chuck Johnson Oakland-based Chuck Johnson’s Sun Glories shepherds you on a deep listening journey. Out now via Western Vinyl, the new album […] 2024-08-20
“I’m from here so it probably influences everything in my life.” Interview with Tomu DJ Tomu DJ is one of the most enigmatic and acclaimed producers out of the Bay. Her 2022 full-length album Half […] 2024-06-14
Motors/Pulses by Albert Yeh "Inspired by the age of accelerationism, the rapid rise of machine led processes, the inevitable breakdown of organic functions." An […] 2024-05-03
We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For by Poolside Nightmare "the beauty and the madness, the gift and the curse, the light and the dark, the ying and the yang" […] 2024-05-01
Sound of the Reef: Coral Enneagrams by Mia Pixley "In celebration of Earth Day and our undeniable interconnectedness, Sound of the Reef is for those curious about the Enneagram […] 2024-04-30
Late Morning by Michelle Moeller "The album is titled as an affectionate homage to slow movers and late bloomers, those who feel perpetually ‘behind.’ Life […] 2024-04-07
Uncertain Seas by Eli Utne "At the heart of this project is the belief that we are each other’s buoyancy. [...] May these sounds & […] 2024-04-06
Boysareout by Jammy The Carquinez Bridge doesn't get enough love. Actually a pair of bridges, it connects the East Bay with Vallejo—two regional […] 2024-04-03
“It’s queer, it’s radical, it’s us.” Interview with Lalin St. Juste of Black queer arthouse 7000COILS Lalin St. Juste, co-founder of 7000COILS WC04—a continuation of our event series curated by Bay Area artists and collectives—takes place […] 2024-03-20
Chaos Carousel by Mind Mirage The electronics in Chaos Carousel by Mind Mirage (aka Ana Cuevas) ooze like an otherworldly sap. There’s a compelling austerity […] 2024-03-18