Liminal by Leaving

“Are you ready to leave?”

Where are we going? We hardly know where we are. Psychic impressions of this mystery and magnitude imprint themselves on the cerebral cortex for every moment of sound woven throughout Liminal, the latest album by Leaving on Transylvanian Recordings. In comparison to other recent releases from Transylvanian—like the post-punk of Sectarian Bloom and the wily thrash of Molten—Liminal is a calm, ethereal affair, offering ambient-adjacent post-rock megaliths ripe for meditation. You could write to it, or you could lose yourself in its towering tapestry, exploring themes of “desolation, depression, loneliness, introspection, and the shadows that lurk within the human psyche.”

Celebrate the album release with Leaving alongside Chrome Ghost, Renewer, and Connoisseur on Saturday, April 27 at First Church of the Buzzard in Oakland.

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