Infinite Health by Tycho

“Infinite Health is about creating a space for healing and reflection, a mantra for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. At the end of the day, all we really have is our health.” — Scott Hansen

The man burns tonight, so why not listen to something perfectly playa-friendly? I haven’t been to Burning Man in more than a decade, but for some reason this mellow psychedelic pop house is just the thing I’d imagine being a good soundtrack while biking through wild alkaline dust storms—despite the artwork depicting peaceful, vibrant verdure and a flowing stream.

Infinite Health is the sixth album from Scott Hansen’s GRAMMY-nominated project Tycho, one of the bigger names in Bay Area music. Over the course of a half hour, the work placidly bubbles and flows downstream, going easy on the listener. Ambient moments (“Green”, “Restraint”) don’t turn sleepy, they rise lightly with walking pace beats. More upbeat moments don’t grow overly passionate or ecstatic, opting instead for even electric energy (“DX Odyssey,” “Devices”). For anyone overwhelmed, whether you’re on the playa or in the default world, Tycho’s new album offers balm. Out now on NY indie label Mom+Pop.

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