Hyperstition by Talk Show

The project Talk Show by Drew Zercoe and Heng Wang introduce Hyperstition for punks’ listening pleasure, thrashing to the sounds of post-industrial, death metal, and darkwave. Be sure to peek at the lyrics for each track, as they are otherwise indiscernible (like a little Easter egg for lore); the descriptions yield abstract yet visceral vignettes, capturing the austerity of isolation through power electronics, and the immediacy of feeling. Raw, seemingly disparate pieces come together into a chaotic collage.

Hyperstition is an album for our times, where information and worlds are re-constructed amidst propaganda and startling technological (r)evolutions, and how those realities intersect with what I hope to be the downfall of capitalism, imperialism, and empire. This description is particularly poignant (from final track “New Ocean Prison”):

“i know the door to change must return anew to go beyond rebirth to stop the sudden world with an endless poem to reforge both the blades assaulting every throne return of the saint the logic of power escaping the limits the flower of life stop the world of shadows of innovation rescue the voice beyond rebirth.”

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