Everything Must Change by Mild Universe

Mild Universe wants you to feel good. That’s as evident in their live shows as it is in this record—ten tracks to make you groove, meditate on the interconnectedness of all things, and, most of all, celebrate being alive. The SF-based indie dance collective released Everything Must Change last week, and indeed, nothing is the same. On this self-produced, self-released funky groovy sexy soulful record, bandleader Sam Jones and crew catapult between a kaleidoscope of funk, dub, soul, funk, disco, R&B, and any other textures that might get you in your body and out of your head. This reviewer’s favorite track was “What’s Going On With You?” (featuring James Wavey), a sultry, smoke-filled, horn-punctuated anthem that reels you in with its softness and then seals your fate with a hypnotic repetitive refrain against a snappy snare-accompanied breakdown. 

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