<em>Apple House</em> by Gumby’s Junk

Apple House by Gumby’s Junk

Did someone listen to their parents’ Frank Zappa records too much? I love when that happens. Surrealist Oakland art rock […]
<em>Live Code Volume 1</em> by R Tyler

Live Code Volume 1 by R Tyler

If someone only knew the stereotypes, this is probably exactly what they’d imagine came out of SF: electronic music performed […]
<em>Flowers</em> by Passwurdz

Flowers by Passwurdz

Look no further for the week’s best thing in Bay Area hip hop: Passwurdz, an Oakland artist part of the […]
“Heavy” by Fauxes

“Heavy” by Fauxes

Sometimes you want heavy, but not too heavy. Not like a death in the family, heavy. More like, we are […]
<em>Absolute Compliance</em> by Bronze

Absolute Compliance by Bronze

“They are real-deal weirdo kings of San Francisco and their spell is not easily dissipated once cast.” The latest release […]
<em>Eely</em> by Elliot Ok

Eely by Elliot Ok

Is Santa Cruz in the Bay Area? If so, then what about Sacramento? Good questions, good questions, and yet I’m […]
<em>Stick the Knife In</em> by TREASVRE

Stick the Knife In by TREASVRE

Do a search for “atmospheric rock” and you’ll be directed to pages and pages on post-rock. But this is different. […]