Credit Electric is a band whose name gives due credit to the electricity flowing through all living beings. We’ve been fans of the tough-to-categorize band for a couple years, particularly since the release of their 2023 album six. Led by Ryan LoPilato, the group weaves together twangy pedal steel into melancholy, nearly ambient slowcore. It’s a living thing.
Ahead of Credit Electric’s set this Wednesday, February 26 at Bender’s as part of the free Noise Pop Fest happy hour show curated by White Crate – along with Sadie Alan and Jacob Aranda – we talked to bandleader Ryan LoPilato about how the big Bay Area music scenes that inspired him early on, a few of his favorite local artists, and more.
Where did you grow up, and when did you move to the Bay?
I grew up in Oakland, NJ and moved to Oakland, CA in 2011.
Did the Bay Area art and music scene have anything to do with your move?
I was inspired by Mike Park and Asian Man Records, The Gilman, the Grateful Dead Haight St. scene, and the freak-folk scene. I think the culture surrounding all of those communities had a lot of influence on me as a person. I can’t say I moved here for music but that music brought me to where I am.
How does the Bay Area influence your music?
The Bay Area influences my music through the people who live here and those I write with. They hold the cast and the backdrop for the situations that inspire me to write songs.
Which up-and-coming Bay Area artists are you most excited about?
I’m excited about AroMa, GONZO, THE BEAU FONZY, pearl onion, Judith Horn, Golden Drugs, Katsy Pline, Trinity Ace, Asha Wells, Zero Charisma, Double Helix Peace Treaty, Catch Prichard, Poor Image, Sour Widows, maya nell, Spacemoth, Tricky FM, Figure Eight, Zachary James Watkins, Hectorine, and so many more. For real love the Bay.
Are there any artist-centered communities in the Bay that you love?
Rewards Program, DISH, Freekey Choir, and Long Road Society are all communities I admire.
After several waves of gentrification, what keeps you in the Bay?
I find the Bay is like a mirror: If you love the Bay it loves you back.
Do you have any new releases coming up?
The band and I are recording a new album this month.
Do you have any hopes or predictions for the local music scene?
Keep doing what you love to do. If that’s music, god bless.