“The food, the weather, and the historically progressive politics.” Interview with Chrissy

Chrissy has been making music for two decades now and has run several music labels, the latest being Maximum Airtime. In addition to being an encyclopedia of dance music, he has one of the biggest smiles on the DJ circuit. Though he made a big name for himself with juke and footwork coming out of Chicago, he’s more recently released big bouncey classic rave anthems.

We interviewed Chrissy in advance of his double-headliner set with Clearcast at Mothership on Saturday, June 22nd. We look forward to seeing you all there!

You travel frequently and play in Europe as much or more than in the states – so what keeps you based here in the Bay?

I love the Bay Area, the food, the weather, and the historically progressive politics. (Those progressive politics have been increasingly under attack lately—if we like having cool local scenes, it’s important that we fight to keep this city’s politics progressive!)

What could we improve on or learn from other music communities you’ve seen/experienced?

Honestly, the cost of living is the biggest obstacle to the Bay Area’s music scene (and cultural life in general). Artists can’t afford to live here, and residents can’t afford to support the arts. Calling/writing your elected officials and pressuring them to create more truly affordable housing is the best thing you can do for the arts in SF.

Do you have any new releases coming up that you can share with us?

My new single – “Things Can’t Go On Like This Forever” featuring Carrie Wilds – just came out and is available everywhere!

Do you have any hopes or predictions for the local music scene?

I think there has been a lot of growth and a real renaissance these last few years, and I hope it continues.

Are there any treasured Bay Area records (old or new) you like to spin in your sets?

Sylvester, Patrick Cowley, The Pointer Sisters, Martha Wash, and Tony! Toni! Toné! are in permanent rotation for me.

See Chrissy play alongside Clearcast this Saturday, June 22 at Mothership.