2022 remasters of Everything I Own Is Broken and Fight Everything by B. Hamilton

“A snapshot of their stupid corner of Oakland, California at the end of the 2000’s. A place where the deserted warehouses of America’s Industrial heyday housed underground alcohol parties. And Silicon Valley’s money was at the gates ready to ruin everything.”

Noise Pop Festival is a great way to learn about artists from the Bay and beyond, and the showcase at Zeitgeist kicking off this year’s festivities was one of the best, featuring all local artists. Alongside the wonderful woman-led acts (Indianna Hale, Mae Powell, and Zelma Stone) was B. Hamilton, an Oakland trio playing low and crunchy blues rock. At the risk of being the millionth person to make this comparison but absolutely meaning it as a compliment, they sound like the Black Keys.

This week, Dayton, Kentucky label SofaBurn released remastered versions of the band’s first two albums, Everything I Own Is Broken and Fight Everything. A decade later, hot as ever.

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