drive-bais by ET IV

“I could try and evolve as an artist all I want. But if I’m not evolving as a human being first? I have to grow and become a better person, become a more well-rounded individual before I can evolve as any type of artist.”

Internationally connecting the dots of culture and freedom—from Quezon City in the Philippines to Gaza— drive-bais is a new top-tier 23-min beat tape by San Bruno producer ET IV on ASTIG Sound. Scratchy vinyl, soul samples, thrumming jazz piano, virtuousic vocals, precision hitting boom bap—it’s got everything you want from a brief instrumental hip hop journey. But it’s not just feel-good for the sake of feel-good: Featuring sound bites from Huey Newton, Angela Davis, and more, it’s a clear reflection of the artist’s political position, speaking out against injustices committed by Israel in Gaza as much as it is reminding us that international perspective and solidarity is necessary for true, lasting change.

A portion of proceeds from the tape will be donated to Students for Gaza at SFSU.

Listen on Bandcamp →